Saturday, June 28, 2008


p.s. i meant to add i ate 4 white peaches today. they are so goodddd i should stop..but nooo hahahha okay i'll shut up now :p

maybe i'll have white nectarines instead muahahhahaa


so when i'm pissed or bored i take a walk. usually by myself, to just relax and either think about why i'm pissed, over thinking things or just zone out and dream haha.

sounds very antisocial..but it works for me. i love being around people but sometimes i just need a break to just relax and have time to myself.

anyways, so today since i had nothing else to do...i just walked downtown and browsed...which led me to victoria's secret: funny story...i walk in and i see this generation of family (like grandma + mom + daughter + daughter's bf)...which kinda creeped me out..cuz i'm like hmmmm they were all older than 25...which means the mom is like um around 50? and so's like old ppl..buying lingerie...but i guess if they still have the heat then i dunno hahahhahaha

and then while i was buying stuff, the bf is like ::holds up a thong:: "aren't these uncomfortable?!" and he asks like every girl around him...i just laughed.

okay, i thought it was funny...if you were there u would have laughed too.

then i went to the gap and saw some bras. and i was like hmmm i guess i could use i went. but shopping for them is hard :/ never have my size...pooh smooh. well apparently i'm a cup bigger which either means they grew or i gained weight...unfortunately i doubt they did, so i'm gonna go with the later and therefore i am going to the gym now.


oooo and i saw wall-e yesterday...very nice ending with a twist. so cute! ugh makes me think about relationships and my lack of one. sorry, don't mean to be a sap -rarely am. haha

which leads me to another point...why do ppl not get the hint? if i don't answer ur 1349580 million phone calls or your 5418235 texts...something must be wrong.

i'm so mean. but really...come on now...i should probably work on saying no..instead of avoiding ppl. but i hate seeing crestfallen faces...or voices.

hmmm hmmm o well. i'll work on being mean later. haha

dance: the movement of two people in harmony with the music.

Friday, June 27, 2008


hmmm so i found this exfoliator by lush that makes ur skin feel like velvet satin or something like that. i think it's addicting haha

i brought one of my guy friends along and this make sound weird -but he couldn't stop touching his hands either.

on another random note: it's FRIDAY and that's amazing in itself because of the freedom that it holds. haha that's what work does to me i think...

makes me more grateful about school, freedom and things that aren't routine.

ok will type more later...when i think of something more intelligent to say haha

Thursday, June 26, 2008

i will give you the moon.

so lately. considering i lost all my music. i've been listeing to my sister's she has hilarious songs...but some make me happy for no apparent reason.

like "i don't really wanna dance" by scissor sisters. too bad it actually makes me wanna dance. haha

i need more music btw. or get it back. somehow.

it's funny how music can change my mood, emotion and such. it's weird how it can make someone sad or happy...hmm kinda powerful. strange. but it is.

another random thought: parents. geez i love them so much...but sometimes rawr. haha so frustrating.

lately ( i need to stop saying lately) i've been thinking too much therefore i can't sleep. stupidity.

i don't even know what i'm thinking about. random things in life.

i hate losing sleep over things i don't even know.

woke up today with a sick feeling in my stomach. not good. really need to go for a walk somewhere and relax.

maybe later.

Friday, June 20, 2008

the future

so currently in a state of dilemna. however u spell it.

sorta of wondering if i'm behind, or what in life.

in terms of accomplishments, amounts of learning, developement.

i have no idea.

haha too much to think about, but lately i dunno

i have this fear of showing up on my first day of grad school and being loads behind as well. i dunno cuz it's different in college, where we all start off in our majors with a clean slate. there i feel like it gets so much more competitive especially cuz most ppl take years off before they start again.

damn, i just want to reach the finish line quicker haha

hope my plan doesn't backfire ><

p.s. still very bored at work.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the life you were born in

so i'm sitting at work. quite bored.

...i'm supposed to set up a meeting with a client. but i can't until another rep gets back to me...and then i can confirm details about the design then make the appointment

well i could work on another project i'm doing: but no, i have so many questions and my supervisor isn't here, neither is the other planner that would be able to answer my questions.

so instead i emailed them all, hopefully one will get back to me. but i doubt it, since they aren't in the office.

anywho so i usually just surf when i'm bored. just to keep myself updated on international affairs. i just had a random thought that if i were born in africa, china, somewhere else. life would be totally different. i mean obviously, ...but i guess in general the saying is true that i should be grateful for what i have.

i'm not starving with malnutrition or my child (if i had one) hasn't died in an earthquake. it's crazy that each day someone has lost a loved one.

okay random i know.

other than that...i keep wondering where i want to be in the next ten years.

these are different pursuits i want to take. unfortunately i don't think i can take all...maybe?

a. architectural design
b. fashion design
c. set/model design for the entertainment (movie) industry

okay that's about it. also would like to have my own restaurant some day.

gee i dunno i don't wanna cop out on anything. bleh

o and i also want to study abroad probably in england. though sc has a design intelligence program...but it's in beijing :( not that i don't like asia, i just wanna live in england haha or scotland or ireland. gee i think i'll have to take a business class instead though. hmmmm hmmmmm

i have 2 more hours to kill. maybe i should leave early.

i just realized in the working field -you do whatever you want. well as long as you produce in the end. but i can't produce if ppl don't respond! haha

okay i'll stop.

i need to find housing for next year...gonna go do that now.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


so today ivana and i went to play tennis.

boy have i gotten exponentially's not even funny.

therefore goal #1 for summer 2008: get in shape before august 10th when i leave for grad school.

anywho we also went to trader joe's to pick up groceries and on our way back, this little boy -he must have been around 12 years old. gave up for his seat for ivana and then asked if i wanted to take another free seat that was near by...

that small gesture made my day. i was like WOW this kid is so polite...

i'm amazed.

anyways had so many other things to say...but i'm being lazy haha

on another note: i really like have ivana around, i haven't seen her in a long while + the rest of my family. so it's nice to spend random time with her until i have to go to grad school...

i keep thinking i made a mistake staying here for the summer, i shoulda took it off and just traveled. or did nothing. maybe next summer...

p.s. it is way too humid in philly

Friday, June 6, 2008

copying evee

haha i got bored and saw ivana's blog -therefore here is mine :)